self-portrait of me and my Puppy Rocky, boy does she love photography books!
About David "Snoutt" Gutierrez
Born and Raised in Los Angeles now living in Brooklyn, NY.
My first experience with a camera was a direct result of joining the US Army at the age of 19. This was the first time I had been anywhere out side of Southern California and I wanted to document everything. The Army afforded me the opportunity to live, work, and travel with people from all walks of life, this was something I had never experienced nor thought I would. The places and stories I encountered were simply fascinating, I was overwhelmed with curiosity and I wanted to know more. This is where my love for travel and documentary photography truly flourished.
What is SNOUTT about?
Well, it has a few meanings, first and foremost its homage to my parents who had me at the age of 16 and showed me what hard work is about. Secondly, it's a thank you to my mother who blessed with with the nose we share, that I have some what grown into. Last but not least, I love to document life and many times it requires me to dig deep and stick my "SNOUTT" where it doesn't necessarily belong to tell a the whole story truthfully and objectively.